If you would like to host a Manni gathering in your neighborhood, send an email with your contact information to ManniManitou@gmail.com. Tell us your address (in Manitou Springs), and a bit about your plans for a gathering. It’s that simple! The Manni team will process your request quickly so you can have pre-authorization and start your planning. Invite many of your neighborhood households, in order to have enough actually show up for a good party THEN have the party.

Following your event, email to Manni some group photos of the party with a list of household addresses.  Please also tell Manni what came out of the group discussions. Then you get a check for $50 or $100 in the mail. You can call Shanti for any questions at (719) 321-5354.

Do You Want To Connect and Gather with neighbors & Friends?

Manni Neighborhood Parties Coming to Manitou Springs!

Manni is a character used to represent the spirit of Manitou Springs; a spirit of helping neighbors and inspiring volunteerism to make life better in Manitou Springs.

Manni was originally created by Manitou Springs Community Foundation (MSCF) members 10 years ago, when they named the “Manni Awards” to support and recognize local visionary leaders for their ability to engage, collaborate, and inspire others to fulfill the visions of Manitou Springs master plan. The MS Community Foundation’s goals for Manni are to inspire and strengthen community connections, stewardship, and well-being.

Over the years, most of the major Manitou Springs institutions/organizations have joined Manni and expanded Manni Awards to celebrate and honor community champions and volunteers. The current sponsors of the Manni Awards and Community Potluck Dinner are: Manitou Springs City Government, Manitou Springs School District, Pikes Peak Bulletin, Manitou Springs Women’s Club, Manitou Springs Chamber of Commerce, Creative Alliance of Manitou Springs (CRANE), Manitou Springs Kiwanis Club and Manitou Springs Community Foundation (MSCF).

However, the character of Manni has always had a creative playful side. He/she also loves sharing meals, ideas and neighborhood collaborations, especially when they improve our town. She/he has persuaded MSCF to fund neighborhood block parties to encourage connections and collaborations on the street where you live.

  • The goals of these Manni Neighborhood Connection parties are:

  • Have fun and enjoy the day.

  • Get to know your neighbors and exchange contact information.

  • Talk about things that would improve your neighborhood and our town.

  • Maybe make a plan to do something together to improve the neighborhood, help a needy neighbor. or just plan another neighborhood get together. There are so many possibilities!

The Manitou Springs Community Foundation is granting $50 for gatherings of five or six households and $100 for parties of seven or more households. In return, all the Foundation asks the of the organizer of the party:

  1. Take some photos of the festivities (with your approval to use in our communication

  2. Provide a list of the addresses attending.

  3. (optional) Invite a Manni representative to drop in to tell your guests about Manni and the eight Manni Sponsors’ impact in the community.